The Silver Noise Box
Mommy came home from shopping for Gramma this afternoon and she bought me something! I love it when she surprises me like that :) I got fuzzy balls with jingle bells in the middle! Mommy said it is the color of her alma mater (what the heck is alma mater?!?!). So as I was playing with it, she took the rest of the things she bought out of the bag.
As I was patting the ball, I heard her ask Gramma for a cassette. Not quite sure what they do but I saw a bunch of them sitting by the noise box that sits near Tangie's cage...So the next thing I know, I heard music but it wasn't coming from the noise box like it usually does! I couldn't find out where it was...had to hunt it down.
I peeked into my nip nook and there it was! The music was coming from my hideout! I saw a little silver box in there and it was making music! I don't understand what it was but I tapped it a few times and it tipped over. It really freaked me out because I thought it was gonna try to take over my nip nook! This concerned me until I saw Mommy take it out. I sniffed it and decided that it wasn't worthy of my time so I crawled into my nook and played with my new ball. Later on, I heard Mommy call it a cassette recorder. Guess it has to do with those funny little things she put into it. Dunno what it's for though... I'll have to keep an eye on it.
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