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Sunday, December 24, 2006

So Much To Say!

First of all, my 'pologies for being MIA lately. It's just that things have been oh so crazy around here, I hardly had time to catch Momma long enough for her to sit down and pet me let alone type for me! Instead of glossing over all the neat things that have been goin' on, I thought I'd talk about a few of them today, then s'more tomorrow...or later today! LOL!!

So a'cause Momma has been so busy, methinks it's only fair to show you what she's been doin'. Here am one of her many handbell choirs. She waves her hands at these beans and they ring bells at her. They sound all way nice and were invited to play at a fancy mall! Don't they look festive with their red gloves on? :) These bell beans am from Momma's new school that she teaches at. Their concert went all way good! If you look hard, you can spot Momma in the first picture:

See? It am all way fancy..Saks, Momma says, am all way fancy.

When Momma gotted back with her bell beans from ringing at the mall, they gived her a really nice Christmas present! Momma loves it oh so much! She tolded me if I ever touch it, I'll be sorry so I'd better keep myself all way clear of it!

This am me shopping for mine Secret Paw pal. A'cause Momma was all way busy, even mine Secret Paw pal suffered. Poor pal. Now that Christmas am here, they're gonna have to wait a little bit longer a'fore they get their gift from me.

I boughted it mineself. Went to the store with Momma and picked out some real special things. I even asked Grammie to make a kitty kozy for mine secret paw! I hopes they like it!! It's been so mild out that I gotted to put my head thing out the window of the monster with wheels and sniff the good fresh air on the way home!

Something camed in the mail yesterday! It was a great BIG box! When Momma bringed it inside, my tail quivered with a'citement! I could hardly wait to find out who it was from...guess who!? Mine dear kind friends from Catifornia!! Oh they're the most kind loving poodin's and beans and doggies and birdies ever ever ever!!

Lookie! There am a great big round ball in there! Momma let me look in the box and know what? There was more under that paper!

See? There am a birdie that sings all way nice. It am a birdie that lives in the West that we don't get to hear or see out here in Mew Jersey! Momma liked that very much. Oh and I smelled nip!!! NIP!!! There was a little gift for mine Momma in there...now that everybean knows the answer to the kitty kozy kontest, it am no suprise that Momma likes piggies anymore! LOL!

Oh know what? I got the bestest new bed in the whole world! Larry must have picked it out a'cause he goes real good with green colors. Momma and Grammie love it a'cause it matches the living room! No more lellow box with stars on it! Now I have mine own bed that turns into a hidey place!

So WAY cool!!! I sleep in it all the time now! Momma says I snore all way loud and it echoes in the hole LOL!

Momma says that she loves the new feeder a'cause it's beautiful! It's true, it is very beautiful...but I thought it was a big ball for me to play with in the house at first...LOL!

That birdie feeder am so nice! Momma gotted a new holder for it so that it hangs with the old feeder. Now more birdies can share their meals together! Here's the very first birdie to check out the new feeder:

It's a chickadee! We haven't seen them in a very long time. But it am winter again so they're back! What nice music sounds they make!

Dear Catifornians, thank you oh so very much for the lovely Christmas presents! We all love them so very much! I s'pecially love mine new bed! I really do sleep in it all day long! The birdies outside thank you for the new feeder. Momma loves her piggie ornament and Grammie likes to listen to the birdie sing it's western song :) Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! Love, Wimmy (and Momma and Grammie)

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At December 24, 2006 3:09 AM, Blogger Robert replied...

You are very very welcome Wimmy and Momma and Grammie! And thank you so much for our Kitty Kozys! They keep us all way warm and komfortable at night!

Shhh, don't tell anyone, but dad says he really truely is going to help us more with our blog in the coming year.

It's a resolution!

-King Larry & The Catifornians

At December 24, 2006 3:10 AM, Blogger Robert replied...

wimmy, i left my shtinky rub on the hideout for you! so did izzy and jinky!

At December 24, 2006 8:19 AM, Blogger Tommy and Teaghan replied...

Those are the bestest presents efur! I loves yur new bed too. That am so kool that yur mom does the handbell choir. That is Mom's favrit part of church today. It's a divine sound.

At December 24, 2006 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

Those am wonderful purresents! Merry Chrissmas Timmy, and TimmysMom and Grammie!!!

At December 24, 2006 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

What lovely gifts you have Timmy. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

At December 24, 2006 12:42 PM, Blogger Just Ducky replied...

Merry Christmas TD, Mom and Grammie. I wondered that your mum was so busy waving her arms at people.

Mum likes handbell stuff too. She tooked Grampie to a concert last month to the Alleluia Ringer at Concordia University. They am furry good ringers.

At December 24, 2006 2:50 PM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout replied...

Merry Christmas to all of you Timmy!! We love you, you are the first blogger we found!! Those are way cool presents the Catifornians sent. They are such nice people...and cats. What a beautiful feeder! ANd your bed is DIVINE! What a fancy fabric it is and how cool it trnasforms into a hidey hole!!!! Hope your momma can relax after the busy Christmas season!!

At December 24, 2006 5:35 PM, Blogger Timmy replied...

Oh KC! I knowed that shtinky rub wasn't mine! As soon as I gotted on the bed, I smelled it! Divine :)

At December 25, 2006 7:44 AM, Blogger Robert replied...

timmy, your's was the first cat boggie we found too, or at least, the first we a'member.

don't let your momma throw away that big box. it am a puresent too!

boxes good!


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