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Monday, June 06, 2005

New monster in the house

Here I am investigating the new monster that came in the living room yesterday. It usually lives in the basement with Mr. Rake and the monster that makes the laundry all clean...but yesterday, it came up here. Now, it's sitting in the corner of the room and makes wind blow in the room like it does outside. I'm not real a'scared of this monster. Well, shmaybe a little when it maked a piece of paper fall down on the other side of the room but other than that, I've been real brave 'bout it.
It was so hot here yesterday! It went from bein' all chilly during the week to all way hot and sticky. Mommy said it was something like 82 degrees in the living room! Blech! TOO HOT! 'Specially for a hot blooded mostly black cat like myself. When I go outside, I seek shade, not sunspots. Sunspots are only good for using in the winter when it am all way cold out. The shade is the bestest thing for me during the hot months! Shade and fresh water :)
This time last year, I was living at Dr. Strazza's house a'cause I was healing from a surgery on my belly. I didn't get to enjoy the warm days of summer really. I was in "jail" at his house but it was nice. I got lotsa attention and Mommy camed to visit almost every day. I was in jail for almost two whole months! Yipes! I don't ever want to do that again!

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At June 06, 2005 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

What a sad picture from last year. I'm so glad that you're not there now. I couldn't imagine two months like that. Sure, I'll nap in my carrier, but only when the is wide open. If mom and dad shut it, it's a whole other story...

At June 06, 2005 10:19 PM, Blogger Timmy replied...

I a'member last year like it was yesterday. My tummy was all puffy and the doctor said that I had to have swollen glands removed. They didn't hurt me, but my stitches kept opening up and I had to stay there until I healed. It took a very long time. Ask Larry, I bet he remembers.

At June 06, 2005 10:24 PM, Blogger Max replied...

Oh, man, you were at the stabby place for 2 whole months? I was only there today for a few hours and I hated it.

We have lots of those monsters, too. I kind of like them. They blow on you and it feels pretty good, and they don't bite unless you stick your tail in its mouth.

At June 06, 2005 11:58 PM, Blogger Ivan from WMD replied...

You were very brave during that terrible time, Timmy. We are all happy that you were and that you don't have to be in jail anymore and can be with your mommy and gramma.

We have something sorta like that thing that blows on you, only my mom uses it around her head and it's hot! Mom sometimes makes it go on Olivia, which is pretty funny, I think (Olivia gets all mad, at least for a little while). Anyway, maybe what my mom has is little a baby relative of what your mom has!

At June 07, 2005 10:29 AM, Blogger Timmy replied...

Mommy has one of those too! She makes it blow at me and I don't like it so much. It's too hot! The other day, I was playing peek-a-boo with her in the loo when she stuck that thing around the corner at me. I jumped and tried to hit it a'cause it was blowing hot air at me...

At June 08, 2005 6:06 AM, Blogger The Fluffy Tribe replied...

You look very small and scared and missing your Mommy in that picture Timmy. I'm glad you are home all the time now. We have lots of those windmakers and they help with the hot. They at least stir it around and make it move. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko


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