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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Oh NO!

I went to ask Grammie for a treat today and she told me I had to have only a few. What's up with that?!?! I found out that Momma forgot to pick up my treatsies the last time she went shopping. Gosh!! I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do!!

I tried the fake-out faint on the living room floor...that didn't do much. I pleaded with Grammie a few days ago (you already know how that went...I was able to crazy glue my leg back on)...so I went tearing through the house at lightning speed hoping to get Momma to realize my skills...but alas, no treatsies. I finally resorted to singing. I went a'hind some furniture and meowed my little heart out. And yet still, no treatsies. What's a poodin to do!?

I know I've got crunchies and delicious stinky goodness out in the kitchen, but I'm too lazy to go out there when I've got treatsies right in the living room. Momma says I'm being all way dramatic about the whole thing...but know what? She has her treatsies! It's true! I sawed them come outta the closet! WHERE'S MINE????

ugh. sometimes, it's hard being a poodin'...s'pecially when you have such a forgetful Momma.


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At February 06, 2007 5:45 PM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy replied...

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At February 06, 2007 5:46 PM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy replied...

you know what you has to do Timmy? you has to jump right up on the wif the keys to the metal monster in your mouf and DEMAND that they go buy more RIGHT NOW.

February 06, 2007 5:45 PM

At February 06, 2007 9:52 PM, Blogger Victor Tabbycat replied...

You could try spinning. That's what I do. I spin, an Mom gimmes a treat. Well, some of the time. Ofur times, she talks at me an I don't get a treat, ifun if I spin in figger 8s.

At February 06, 2007 10:36 PM, Blogger Max replied...

I find that if you just say "feed me feed me feed me" nonstop for 5 hours, you get treats. They're called Oh Be Quiet Already treats, and they're quite tasty!

At February 07, 2007 1:45 AM, Blogger Unknown replied...

Oho poor Timothy! you will soon have lots n lots of your favorite food. By the way, wat do you like most?? My cats like tuna fish and cookies the most.

At February 07, 2007 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

You are being a bit dramatic about your treats, Timmy, especially when you have plenty to eat in the kitchen. I'm sure that your Mom will get you some more treats very soon. Did you run out because you have been helpling yourself again?

At February 07, 2007 9:19 AM, Blogger jenianddean replied...

Timmy... we know how you feel. Although I usually don't eat the treats, we went almost a week without treats in our house too. Mom and Dad did give us some stinky goodness (which we rarely get) to hold us over, and then last night we got treats again finally! I got caught up in all the excitement and actually ate some! Be patient, I'm sure they'll get you some soon...

At February 07, 2007 11:26 AM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout replied...

Your momma hides her treats in the closet? Ours hides hers in the bottom of her underwear drawer! Shhh...don't tell dad.

At February 07, 2007 6:54 PM, Blogger Just Ducky replied...

Hang in there. If you are really in a treat deficit, teleport over. I have lots in my treat closet to share.

At February 08, 2007 11:06 AM, Blogger Mr. Hendrix replied...

Oh no! Did you ever notice that when we're out of treats it is "no big deal" and "we have other stuff to eat" but let our beans find there are no Doritos in the cabinet and the world comes to an end! jeez.
They don't even work for their treats half as hard as we do. You ran, you fainted, you sang your little heart out! Your mommy should've gone to the store to get you your treatsies, and then given you some stinky goodness as an apology!


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