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Friday, October 08, 2010

On My Walkie...

So, last night I was smelling the good, fresh air out the front window and it made me want to go walking in it so bad! I stood at the front door and stared at it until Momma asked me what I was doing. I looked at her and meowed and then tapped the door with my paw thing...
Momma taked my jacket down off the door and put it on me and grabbed the garbage and out we went!

It am all way good to go on a walkie at night a'cause it makes me blend in with the ground. That way, I can sneak up and sniff things and nobean will get upset with me! Oh it smelled so way good...until we got to the corner of our building. I camed to a screeching hault and took a long sniff. Then my ear things heard a squeaky kinda sound. Momma did too and she maked my leash thing go small. We stood there a second until Momma said it am OK to keep going. We wented around the corner and that's when we saw it! A skunkie! It was a big one! Across the driveway on the other side of the 'partment complex, digging in the dirt was a the biggest skunkie I ever sawed with my eye things! Can you a'lieve it?? It stuck it's butt at us and was mumbling as he was digging... something about not going near him a'cause he'd squirt us. Pshh...whatev. Like we wanted to go over there... skunkies am strange.

So, Momma and me just walked by and kept going towards the garbage bins. I have a new leash thing that lets me walk away from Momma sometimes! I can stop to sniff and then catch up without her having to stop and wait for me. It's all way nice. When I catch up, the leash thing goes small. Momma says it am a good 'vestment. Now we can go on walkies together! We both lubs the cold weather and now that it's chilly at night, we can walk around the neighborhood! Sometimes, I see beans that live near us and they call me by name and pet me! It's all way good fun. I just lubs going for walks! It's my new favorite thing to do! The bestest is when you come back inside, you can cuddle up on your kitty kozy your Grammie maked for you :)

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At October 08, 2010 11:30 AM, Blogger Gemini and Ichiro replied...

You are so lucky to get a walk in!

At October 08, 2010 12:22 PM, Blogger Jans Funny Farm replied...

Who'd a thought you could have such an adventure on the way to the garbage? A skunk.

At October 11, 2010 12:04 AM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout replied...

We've never seen a skunk but we have some mighty big raccoons and possums come up on our deck looking for food.
Once this summer there was a 'coon that had to be double Shaggy's size: that would be nearly 40 pounds!!!!

At October 12, 2010 3:43 PM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy replied...

it's a good thing you didn't get sprayed!!!!!! sounds like a wonderful walkie!

At November 14, 2010 7:52 PM, Blogger Just Ducky replied...

Yeah, stay away from those tuxie skunks. Not good for us!

Way cool you get to go on walkies.

At December 03, 2011 9:45 AM, Anonymous Holly replied...

We have huge fence lizards here and I don't mind them much outdoors. But our 5 cats love to catch them and bring them in the house to chase and eat. That I mind! I do not like finding pieces of lizard strewn about my home.....yuck! But my beloved Highland Lynx cats don't seem to care that their Mom has to pick up the pieces. You can see my exotic darlings at www.shepherdslairbobtailcats.com.


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