Can you a'lieve it?! Another ramic kitty camed into mine house! I a'friended it right away and put some shinky rub on it. I have a feeling it am friends with the ramic kitty that already lives here. I dunno what it's name is a'cause it wouldn't tell me. What's that ramic kitty? You am not gonna be living here? Well...if you am not living here with us, where am you going to live? You can't just go and be a stray you know...you'll end up in jail like I did! It am very 'mportant that you have a home of your own. What's that? You already have a home? Well...where?!? Catifornia?!!?!?? That am where mine brudder and bestest friends live! Shmaybe you am gonna go live with Jinky Brudder and Purresident Larry and ::
sigh:: Sweet Izzy and KC and Hannah Banana and Sammie!?
Huh? You
am?!?! Oh how very a'citing!!!! ::tail quivers:: I hopes that you tell them your name and not be all quiet when you get there. You know how Jinky gets around ramic kitties so don't a'scare him too much m'kay? He is the sheriff after all...he could put the claws on you if he wanted to.

*Mwah! That's a kiss for the long journey. And...*MWAH! that one am for Sweet Izzy. Please give it to her when you sees her mkay? Oh...and tell Larry, "
I'm in love with you" a'cause we am playin' a fun game. He'll understand.
Wow, another friend! I wonder why so many ceramic kittes are coming to your house?
You are so cute!
Oh neato! Another kitty from the litter of squillions! I's gotta 'mind Boni to put the linky on the cat blogosphere. *kitty nods* I bets Jinky and all of 'em will like the 'ramic kitty.
~~ Sanjee
That ramic kitty has a long trip ahead of him/her self. But will love those Catifornians!
Oh, tell the 'ramic kitty to stay there til the heat breaks! It's hot in Catifornia!!! It's so hot it's makin all the people cranky, and cranky people are just no fun.
Tell your 'ramic kitty to have a safe trip!
Ohhh Timmy! It looks like me!!!! I was hoping it'd come here and be my friend! I like orange cats! It won't mind the heat, it isn't THAT hot... Beans just get upset when the temperature pushes past 110 or so. I just flake out on the cement in the shade... Even though we have a cool room, we purrfurr to be out in the fresh air on the porch on the cool cement.
Yippeee, you and Grammie figured out the game! Let's play another one! Hmmmmmm... [thinking...]
Oh I hopes you make it one I knows Larry! Grammie hadded to help me with it. PS-the ramic kitty am on it's way to your home! It should be there by the end of the week!
Vir-ginger is so please to see another of that huge litter find a good home.
I have a ceramic kitty, too!!! Mine's much littler, though. Mom got annoyed that the Feline Americans kept harassing the kitty that she put "her" outside in the garden. I can still see her from my windowsill, but it's just not the same. Enjoy your kitty!!!
DaisyMae Maus
I've known a secret for a week or two...
Timmy? What's up with all the ceramic kitties? I don't understand where they are coming from.
Oh, good, anofur ramic kitty found a home. Timmy, we should tell Riley bout the Green Wall Shelter Kitties. Is it safe to send a woofie to the Cat Blogosphere site to see???
Oh Timothy Dickens! Look what I found! Maybe your mama could buy one for you?
(I hope this link works!)
Hmm... i don't think it's working. Well, it's NASCAR tags for kitty cats! From Jeffers Pets. Maybe this picture link will work...
"Sunny" arrived today! Jinkster is quite frightened by him, but I think he (or she?) is devine!!!!
Thank you Timmy!!!!
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