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Monday, May 01, 2006


So...uh...I've been absent from the internet for a long time! There's no real good excuse except that Momma has been so busy she couldn't help me... she went to a concert last night with her friends from church and it was real good! She taked lotsa pictures of them and even got her picture taken with them and stuff! She called Grammie when they singed their encore song a'cause it am Grammie's favoritest! That's how I gotted to hear them too ;)

Momma founded out that her friend hadded a little baby girl the day a'fore Momma's purrthday! Her name am Juliette. Fancy huh? I likes it. I hopes that I get to see a picture of her soon! So anyway, Momma's been working on a cross-stitch thingy for her and now that she knows when she was born and how much she weighs, she can put that on there too. This is a picture of me helping Momma plan out the pattern for the cross-stitch...I jumped right up on the table to help! Momma maked loud noises at me but I didn't get down. I put my "oh be quiet, you know you're enjoying this" face and stayed put.

Oh and I bet you're wondering why I titled this post "Fame" a'cause so far, nothin' in this post has anything to do with me being famous...except for shmaybe this: Click Here and Scroll Down Adriana Trigiani am one of Momma's most favoritest authors! I agree! Her books am all way good! You should read one or two...or all of them!

Click HERE to go to the most current post.


At May 01, 2006 12:56 PM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout replied...

Timmy, you have some "fame" amongst us cat bloggers you know! Who is that group of singers she wented to see? We are not up on that. We agree that even if you mom complains about your help with her needlework & stuff, she does it because she thinks she has to complain. You are right...she really loves all the help we poodins give them. in fact, if we didn't help, they'd get nowhere!

At May 01, 2006 9:53 PM, Blogger Edsel/The Pooch replied...

oh Timmy you looked so chic readin' that book in your cool glasses!

At May 01, 2006 11:44 PM, Blogger Ivan from WMD replied...

Wowee kaplowee, you are famous, Timmy!! How cool is that??

At May 02, 2006 12:11 AM, Blogger Max replied...

Whoa, dude, awesome shades. Are the prescription or just for the Wow factor?

At May 02, 2006 8:20 PM, Blogger DK & The Fluffies replied...


At May 03, 2006 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

That is SO cool!

At May 03, 2006 1:36 AM, Blogger Timmy replied...

SSS, I'm blushing! The group Momma sawed was called 4Him and they were touring with a bean named Mark Schultz. She gotted her picture taken with them all!

Everybody and bean likes me in my glasses! Too bad I don't really need them all the time ;) Momma says it would be so cute if poodins and doggies "needed" glasses...

At May 03, 2006 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

Oh Timmy our mommy is SOOOOO jealous. She loves 4Him and Mark Schultz almost as much as she loves us (and that's tons). She saw them at Felician College the last time they were there. She had to go to WV for work though so she missed the concert last weekend. We think it was more important that she wasn't home with us but WHATEVER mom! She said to tell your mom that she hopes she was really blessed by it. And Timmy we love to read your blog, you're famous to us! We're going to go purr a concert for her now to make up for it.

At May 04, 2006 9:21 PM, Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats replied...

You am a celebrity Timmy......we am proud to know you!! You are a good helper to your Mom too, even if she doesn't know it just yet.


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