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Saturday, March 28, 2009


So this morning, Momma put mine leash on and we went for a nice stroll outside. Then, a'fore I knows it, we was in the monster with wheels and going somewhere! I was peeking out the window and looking all smug at Momma. I didn't knows where we were going a'cause when we visit Grammie, we don't stay in the monster with wheels very long... not today. We were going a long time and I knows that PetSmart am far away, but we weren't headed there. Knows where we went?? Do you??

When Momma gotted out and opened the door on mine side, I heard doggies barking. I knew right then that we were at Dr. Strazza's house. I had Momma pick me up and carry me in a'cause there was a great big doggie there. I don't like doggies near me. I don't mind them online, but in purrson, I can't stand them. I went right into the room and stood on the shiny metal table.

Dr. Strazza camed in and told me I was a good boy and checked on mine tail thing. He twirled it around and maked sure it am not gonna fall off. It am looking funny a'cause not all the fur am growed back yet but it am all better! So then when I thought we was done, he pet me and then I felt two sharp pokes!!! My hiney fell off. I'm so sure of it. I think I am gonna sleep and hope that mine hiney grows back.

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At March 28, 2009 1:29 PM, Blogger Max replied...

Dood! That must be awful, being hineyless. How will you sit??? Did your tail fall off with it? You might lose balance! This is bad, very bad indeed. I hope he gave you crunchy treats for making your hiney fall off.

At March 28, 2009 3:55 PM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy replied...


At March 28, 2009 5:24 PM, Blogger jenianddean replied...

I'm glad you had a good checkup. Happy Belated Birthday ... sorry I missed it, I haven't been visiting like I should.

At March 29, 2009 12:44 PM, Blogger Jans Funny Farm replied...

Call a lawyer. Ask if you can sue. You NEED your hiney!

At March 29, 2009 9:42 PM, Blogger Just Ducky replied...

No hiney? You gotta have a hiney to poop! You will get all big with poop backing up inside of you!

At March 30, 2009 11:01 PM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout replied...

Mom was kinda sneaky getting you to the vet like that. We are glad you got to go right to the room and not stay out with the woofies.
It's good to hear your tail thing is better but we are worried about your hiney.....

At April 02, 2009 9:12 PM, Blogger Puff replied...

I'm pretty sure it will grow back. Hineys are not like ballz in that respect. But I'm thinking someone may have found it, so you might wanna check the lost and found. We're all glad your tail is better.

At April 06, 2009 3:33 PM, Blogger The Furry Kids replied...

I hope your butt grew back! I'm sorry to hear about your tail accident, but we're glad it's all better. We're trying to get all caughted up with visiting our friends. Mama has been a huge slacker lately. :(

We hope you have a great Monday!

At April 07, 2009 4:59 PM, Anonymous Grammie replied...

Timmy boy, you are such a drama cat. i told you
that the nice doctor was giving you 2 shots in your hiney to keep you healthy for another year! Your Mommy told me how you raced around when you got home, so I think you will live! If your backside still hurts when you come to see me on Sunday, then I'll give you a kiss - but on your head, not your hiney!

Love, Grammie

At April 22, 2009 7:11 PM, Blogger Edsel/The Pooch replied...

happy late birthday! i hope your hiney grows back. it would be awful to not have a hiney. how could you sit down? how could you make poops? good luck


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