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Monday, February 07, 2005

The birdwatcher.

I have been watching birdies ever since I came to live here with Mommy and Gramma. I love it! It's more than a hobby for me...I take it very seriously a'cause ya never know what those sneaky little birdies are gonna do! I'm a Wildlife Inspector for Catifornia and I know all the good spots for watchin' birdies in our house! There's my perch which of course is still the best a'cause the feeder is right outside my window...

Then, there's Gramma's bedroom. She leaves the window open a crack so that I can smell the fresh air and watch the birdies in the backyard...

But my favorite aside from these two places is in Mommy's bedroom. There's a box that blows cold air in the summer stuck into the window. The birdies like to sit on top of it and I can hear their toes doin' a tap dance on there so I jump up onto the cabinet that Mommy has next to it. I creep up to the window and with my paw, I pull back the curtain just enough to peek out at them. When they're not looking, I slap the window real hard with my hands and send those birdies flyin'! LOL!! It's great fun!

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At February 07, 2005 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

Timmy do you ever see squirrels? We have an albino squirrel that comes to our yard. He is almost invisible against the snow but when he runs up a tree you can see him real good. He is also easy to spot in the summer of course! Him & his buddies steal bird seed from the feeder next door.

At February 07, 2005 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

Yea, we get lots of squirrels but not albino ones! That's really cool! I wish I could see it! We have a squirrel feeder where the squrrels are supposed ta eat but they cheat and try to eat out of the bird feeder. But Mommy tricked them! She got a feeder that closes when they sit on it! LOL!! They get real angry and hop off.

At February 07, 2005 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

Me & Spot like to watch birds too. They look very delicious, er, pretty.

Your friend,

At February 08, 2005 12:50 AM, Blogger Ivan from WMD replied...

Wow! You have tons of places to watch birdies! It's one of my favorite things to do, too. I really like how you sneak up on them and make them fly away--that made me laugh a lot! You are one very steathly boy!

At February 08, 2005 2:01 AM, Blogger Max replied...

I love watching the birds and they look mighty tasty, but I don't think I want one bad enough to go outside and get it. At the place we used to live there were some black birds that--I swear--looked big enough to pick a kitty up and fly off with him.

But I like watching them. And it's funny when they fly into things...

At February 08, 2005 3:20 AM, Blogger Jinky replied...

Id like to eat birdies!!!! Jinky

At February 08, 2005 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

I knew it! That's why your mouth gets all watery when you look at Loosey and Squeak, Jinky! LOL!! I'd like to eat birdies too but Tangie would bite my nose if I tried. I'll settle for chittering at them from the windows and scaring them off that box that blows cold air ;)


At February 08, 2005 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous replied...

Yeah Bruddie...

I cant eats Squeak or Loosey a'cause they is really big and scary and they has big sharp bitey beaks! I runs away when Squeak chases me away for walking too close to his jail.

I sure is glad that those two was alread 'rested and in jail when I camed to live here!!



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