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Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day all you beans and poodins and furry creatures! I hopes everyone had a nice day off from working and spended some time eating some good tasting things. Momma and me, we had shrimps! They were divine.

I gotted to go visit Grammie today. Her roomie moved to a new room (which is an answer to prrrayers) so now Grammie am all by herself, just the way she likes it. Her talking box isn't on all way loud like when her roomie used to have it. It would be on so loud that the speaker things would rattle!!! Oh it maked mine ear things go back and my eye things go big...and she would wake up mine dear Grammie all the time and scare her in the early morning by singing all way loud. So yea, it am good she isn't there anymore. But I still visited her a'cause she likes to see me.

Grammie has a can of treatsies in her drawer and when I got up on her soft squishy bed, she gived me some! She's giving me one in the picture Momma taked. Grammie was all comfy and ready for bed. But a'fore she got in bed, we wented for a ride! I got to sit with Grammie, and Momma pushed Grammies chairs with big wheels! We went vroom vroom all the way down to the "bistro". That am a little shop that you can get ice cream, soda and stuff like that. Grammie's friend, Claire was in there and we stayed there and visited with her. Momma gotted ice cream and a tuna sandwich for lunch...Grammie gotted ice cream, but I gotted nothing. But, that's ok, there was too much going on for me to be interested in food...there were beans walking everywhere and all kinds of interesting noises. I stayed under Grammie's wheeliechair and meowed every now and then.

On the way back to Grammie's room, I walked next to the wheeliechair and Momma said I looked oh so cute! I was wearing mine bandanana that has stars and stripes on it for Memorial day. All the beans that sawed me said how handsome I was and how clever that I was dressed for the holly day. It maked me prrrroud :) When we gotted back into Grammie's "quiet" room, I got on the bed with her and curled up next to her. It maked her all way happy! She was gettin' her bed ready to watch the talking box and I sawed her hand thing and a'cided to put mine head on it to show her how I wubs her oh so much. I falled a'sleep on her hand...Grammie said I was snoring (tee-hee!).

As I was a'laxing on Grammie's bed, I was admiring all the cards that she has! There's so many! Some of them are from you guys! She said that they make her all the way happy when she looks at them. Knows what? She gotted the most beautiful broach from Miss Robyn! It am a tuxie broach! I'll have to see if I can get a picture of it so you can all admire it. How kind it was of the HOTmBC and their bean Mom to send mine Grammie such a lovely get well giftie! You guyses, Grammie wanted me to say thank you for it and she'll wear it when she has her sweater on :) It'll look all way good on it! Oh and when I was sleeping with Grammie, a bean camed in and a'livered mail! Knows what? Grammie gotted a card from Tiki and Riley! It was all pretty with flower pictures on the front. It maked Grammie get a big happy smile on her face which maked me purrrr... If you'd like to send Grammie a card, mine Momma can give you the address. She has it memorized LOL!!

Well, I'm off to curl up in mine perch to watch the birdies enjoy their Memorial Day dinner a'fore the kaboomies in the sky start. Last night, I hearded them from far away! Momma says tonight if there's any, she's gonna go chase them down! (I sure hopes she doesn't bring them back here a'cause they're all way loud and BIG!)

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At May 29, 2007 11:56 AM, Blogger Mr. Hendrix replied...

It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. I like your patriotic bandanna. I wore one too. I felt very proud wearing it.
I'm glad your grammie has her own room. It was uber nice of you to visit her old roomate. That probably made her very very happy.
I'd like to send your grammie a card. Can you email me her address at 1hendrixATfuseDOTnet ??

Thanks bunches! Hendrix

At May 29, 2007 2:10 PM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout replied...

Timothy what a great time you had with your grammie! We think it is so special that you go to her get well place and visit her without going all scardy-cat. We bet you looked so neat walking beside her chair!

At May 29, 2007 3:07 PM, Blogger Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee replied...

We are glad that your Grammie liked the card and hope she is feeling better. You look very stylish in your bandana and walking jacket!

At May 29, 2007 3:22 PM, Blogger jenianddean replied...

We're so glad you get to visit your Grammie so much. We know how much that means to her. And you look so good in your bandana. Mom and Dad are always amazed at how well you travel and visit. They just couldn't imagine us doing that... (maybe if we knew there'd be treats, a soft bed and a hand to fall asleep on).

At May 29, 2007 7:59 PM, Blogger Puff replied...

Timmy, those are some of the best pictures ever! You look so handsome in your bandanna and Grammie looks nice and comfy. You are a brave man to visit, I don't think either me or Spot is as brave as you.

At May 30, 2007 3:32 PM, Blogger Hot(M)BC replied...

You look furry handsum in yore holly day bandana, Timmy. We's furry happy yore Grammie likes her broach fingy! We's glad it got there ok too. I bet yore Grammie was so happy to see yoo! You's a grate poodin for visitin so good!


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